Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Disorders Clinic

Urination during the night. Causes & Treatments

Urination during the night is a problem due to sleep disturbance, especially pronounced in people who re-asleep hard. One urination during the night is considered normal. Although most people blame the prostate it reality is not like that. Night urination occurs in both men and women. In the vast majority of cases it is due to the “preference” of the kidneys to produce urine at night. The bladder has no choice but to empty its interior when the volume exceeds 400 ml. If a person is measuring every one of the night and observethat the urinary volumes disposed at each urination are larger than 300-400 ml is clear that the kidneys are those that produce more urine. There are are cardiovascular causes. The kidneys are perfused with blood more at night in persons over 50 years, in people with hypertension, in people with vascular atherosclerosis, in those with diabetes or arteritis, in those who suffered a stroke. Another cause is water retention, lower limb edema  is reabsorbing  water at night and the kidneys remove it. Only when urinary volumes for each night urination are about 150 ml / urination, irritability or sensitivity bladder can be incriminated.

In our clinic patients are asked to make an assessment of urination using a micturition calendar.

After examining the calendar and performing an ultrasound to check bladder emptying (postmictional residue) the patient may be directed to a cardiovascular evaluation.

Only after these exams the treatment is established, that can be cardiology, or to eliminate edema, or to relieve bladder. Night urination rarer necessary treatments for prostate cancer. In no case shall the prostate surgery to solve urination at night! Rearly, for the night urination, treatments for prostatitis are necessary .


Va oferim patru chestionare pentru autoevaluarea starii de sanatate:
- Simptomatologia prostatei
- Calendar mictional
- Chestionar de apreciere a controlului vezicii urinare
- Chestionar vezica dureroasa



Investigarea urodinamica implica masurarea presiunilor din sfincterelor ce asigura continenta urinara si din vezica urinara, in timpul umplerii cat si al golirii, metoda cunoscuta sub numele de urodinamica.


Urodynamics in pictures

Pictures during the urodynamics process.


Cum se desfasoara o consultatie de urologie

Afla mai multe informatii despre etapele desfasurarii unei consultatii de urologie.


Urology consultation

-Frequent urination
-loss of urine
-incomplete bladder emptying
-prostate troubles
-chronic bladder pain
-repeated cystitis
-neurological bladder


About Evomed

About Evomed

Evomed is a pelvic floor center specialized in investigating and treatment of urinary disorders.
